Quote of the Week

"We Must be Willing to Give Up the Life We Have Planned, So As to Have the Life that is Waiting for Us."
-Joseph Campbell
Week of Aug 12, 2013

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm Pooped.

I am so pooped.  Exhausted. Kaput.

I've had a work project that had taken FOR - EV - ER...and it has NOTHING to do with news or news gathering.  It has eaten a large chunk of my time, shifted my focus, and kept me at work late.  (Last night I got home at 1:30AM!!!)  It's now done, but I can't even enjoy the relief of that because it wiped me out.

I was off today, and that should have been nice.  I had hoped to go get flowers to replant to make the yard (especially in the back) look nice for a family picnic ... but I spent the morning doing laundry, moving stuff before the carpet cleaners got here, and then dealing with a WORK thing.  Then it rained.  

We had to be at school for meet-the-teacher/curriculum night at 4p.  And there went my day.   The school stuff was cool -- teachers did their presentations on smartboards with remote controls. Very cool.  Very high-tech.   You don't even see chalkboards anymore.   Whenever I go to these things I am extremely proud of the schools my kids go to...and hell yeah, it's worth it if I'm paying higher taxes than other MO towns ... other MO towns simply don't have (award winning) schools like this.   Yeah, it's worth it.  Man, we're lucky and blessed and I appreciate what we have.  

It's weird when adults know my kids when we walked through the school.  They do have a whole other world in school-land, don't they?

Oh, and Kyle's going to kindergarten.  Ryan and I BOTH got teary when we saw the little nametag he'd wear his first week on the bus and at school.  Don't know what it was about the nametag -- but whatever it was -- it got both of us.  Wowza.  The kids have already started bugging me about "are you going to cry when the bus comes on the first day AGAIN?"   Lovely creatures.

The carpets have been cleaned.  Yeah!  They're not drying very quickly..so the house is a bit topsy-turvy with everything moved.  I think we're gonna try to re-do the basement...perhaps make the back half a scrap/office area!!  That would rock.  Just trying to wrap my head around how to make it work and look nice.  No clutter!

Back to work tomorrow  -- then off for four days for the start of school. (Wknd/Mon/Tues)  I can't believe summer is on the way out.  I could use a little more pool time .... tan time....baseball in the backyard...evenings on the deck with my lit up umbrella....aaaah.  Darn the clock and its fast moving hands!  Darn it all.  

Wow, I think I'm starting to fall asleep while proofreading.  I'm pooped.


Lisa said...

Ugh....now I feel guilty for stalking! But it's job security, right :) Excited that you might get a scrap room--how awesome would that be!

Maricar said...

Hmm .. I don't "get" Lisa's comment about stalking ... what am I missing?

Oh - and LOL about your kids making comments about you crying. I get the same comments ...

KELLY said...

I welcome stalkers. ( :