Quote of the Week

"We Must be Willing to Give Up the Life We Have Planned, So As to Have the Life that is Waiting for Us."
-Joseph Campbell
Week of Aug 12, 2013

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday.

Yes it is.
I am off today. I always take off so we can go to the Good Friday services. It's always very moving and really makes us appreciate Easter more.

I'm cleaning up around the house and thinking about scrapping. Mostly just moving supplies from one table to another. Ack.

It's a good weekend to relax and not be tied to stuff -- no thinking about work, only LIMITED time on the computer. Just chillin'.

1 comment:

Maricar said...

I think that is AWESOME that you take Good Friday off so you and your family can go to church. What a great role model you are ... and what a great tradition to instill in them.

Happy Easter, Friend.