Quote of the Week

"We Must be Willing to Give Up the Life We Have Planned, So As to Have the Life that is Waiting for Us."
-Joseph Campbell
Week of Aug 12, 2013

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Starting Fresh.

Bring on the new week.

I'm starting fresh...and looking forward to the warm up.

The Five: (It's back!)
1. Cold
2. Full (yummy dinner tonight!)
3. At Peace
4. Slowly feeling reenergized.
5. Happy my husband is just hanging out down here because I'm down here. That's nice.

Five Wishes:
1. Wish I had my slippers on....my feet are cold.
2. Wish it was earlier ... hate that the weekend is almost over. Love my weekends.
3. Wish this blog didn't waste so much space on either side and I could figure out how to make the middle part stretch out more.
4. Wish I could find a new desk I'm happy with...this one's got to go.
5. Wish, hope, for an uneventful and easy week.


Maricar said...

Love your FIVES.

Maricar said...

Oh, and hey - I like your thought of the week. Fitting, it seems!

Shawn said...

Love your five's too! Blogger has a template called "stretch" that will put it to the sides. Just go under edit blogger template. :)


Kerry said...

I don't like the wasted space either. I hope you get wish #5

Lisa said...

Yeah! The 5 is back :) Hope this week is better than last.