I received two "Blogging Blessings" one from Maricar and one from Lisa.
So I'm passing it on to a few wonderful blogging friends.
"The idea…it’s a game of tag with a difference, rather than looking inwardly, we look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for 3 blog friends. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too. We’re going to see how far the bloggin’ blessings can travel around the world and how many people can be blessed! Recipients of a bloggin’ blessing may upload the above image to their sidebar if they choose to."
First, thank you to Lisa and Maricar for thinking of me.
First, Lisa:
Lisa is my "clone" ... we often seem to have the same perspective on things ... and respond to it with appropriate sarcasm. She makes me laugh, offers me support, a place to vent and understands my propensity to be motivated by guilt. She's also incredibly creative and inspires me.... I admire her strength and motivation to just "do what you gotta do." She paid me the greatest compliment by calling me a 'kick ass mom & professional who does it without (seeming) to break a sweat.' Wow. That means a lot for someone to NOTICE and then post for the world to see. You don't know what you've done for me ... and I say: Backatcha.
Lisa is my "clone" ... we often seem to have the same perspective on things ... and respond to it with appropriate sarcasm. She makes me laugh, offers me support, a place to vent and understands my propensity to be motivated by guilt. She's also incredibly creative and inspires me.... I admire her strength and motivation to just "do what you gotta do." She paid me the greatest compliment by calling me a 'kick ass mom & professional who does it without (seeming) to break a sweat.' Wow. That means a lot for someone to NOTICE and then post for the world to see. You don't know what you've done for me ... and I say: Backatcha.
And then there's Maricar. Maricar Maricar Maricar. The person I gravitated to during CKU .. and really the only person from that time I still want in my circle. Sadly as soon as I found this cherished friend, she ditched me for other states. Something about having to be with her husband and kids...blah blah. What a freak. I can still count on her to make me smile, keep me on my toes and reassure me that I'm not a horrible mother on a horrible mother feeling day. Glad you're in my corner, friend.
Now's part where I tag three people .... I know you're supposed to do 3 blogging friends, but I feel motivated to do three people who SHOULD have blogs ... or I miss and just want to reach out and touch.
Dana: Thank you for being a great example of a real mom. Devoted and harried. You really know how to "keep it real" ... and that helps keep me grounded. You've saved the day for us so many times by watching the kids...and they love it when they get to "play with Dana." You're the only non-family person who's ever watched them. You're a blessing to my family and to me as a friend. I love that you are silly and goofy and put children first. Pretty darn cool.
Ah, my long lost friend Karlyn. How sad that the picture of you I use is off your station website. I should've grabbed the great one you sent at Christmas of you and the big fluffy dog. But that's where we are now -- "hi" at Christmas and me occasionally checking your station bio just to make sure you're still there and to smile at the stuff you wrote. Karlyn was my maid of honor...and all around go to girl in college. I just want you to know I still think of you often, wish you the best, and miss you.
You can't tell from this picture, but that's me, Jack & Nick and Jenn and maybe Becca .. all riding an elephant. Yep, we're riding an elephant. And that's appropriate. We seem to have a lot of silly fun memories. And we can always just pick up where we left off if we haven't seen eachother for awhile. Hanging out with you is always relaxing -- even if we're chasing kids...or riding elephants. I'm glad we keep in touch, even if its just to say what the kids are up to and how we wish we could get together for another estrogen weekend.
I am blessed with these good friends. Thanks for tagging me and forcing me to take a moment to appreciate them.
I now call to order the first official mutual admiration society meeting.... :) haha. Seriously, thank you--espeically after today, it was nice to come here and read your words.
Second, anywhere I can go to hear Chumba Wumba is ok in my book. I'm going to boogie all the way to bath time :)
Aww.... you made me tear up. Thank you for all of your nice words for the world to see! I think you are a special friend too and I love, love, love playing with your children. They tickle me!
Yes, I'm one of the only people in the world who doesn't have a blog (I think). I'm a dork and so behind the "times".
Dare I say I LOVE YOU on Valentine's Day. Lift up a drink. Cheers to good friends, great times, fun moments.
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