Quote of the Week

"We Must be Willing to Give Up the Life We Have Planned, So As to Have the Life that is Waiting for Us."
-Joseph Campbell
Week of Aug 12, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Real Quick..

I will NOT get sucked into the computer. Just logging in real quick to say I have windows open and have begun some serious spring cleaning. It smells so good with the fresh air blowing in. (But in some spots it got a little cold, oops.) Good to clean out!!!!

Also ... all three of my boys have blogs now! I think they're so cute with the stuff they chose to put on and say. We'll continue to update and add and they'll blog. (links under my link list)

I think I'm developing some weird addiction to creating blogs!! Ack!

Ok ... back to work!!! NO MORE SNOW!! Time for spring!!!!


Kerry said...

So if we all just start Spring cleaning then it will be Spring?

KELLY said...

I say...yes!