Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Nick Pics - Bday
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
He's 4.
This means we've officially moved out of babies/toddlers. There are none. Everyone is potty trained. Everyone is pretty self-sufficient. Everyone sleeps in normal size beds. Everyone can play in the back yard without constant supervision/help getting on stuff. Everyone can put their own clothes on - including shoes. Everyone can help put things away.
Four. Yes, that's a big leap from 3. Just like when Jack went from 6 to 7 .. that seemed like a big leap too.
Nick had so much fun - he liked "ripping" his presents (as he called it.) And just loved everything he received. He loved blowing out his candles and having cake and ice cream. It was very fun just to watch how excited he was with every part of his birthday.
In a surprise move, he decided he needed to wear one of his many spiderman costumes. He was a hoot in the costume - coupled with the spiderman hat.
He's four. Wow. And that's that. We're evolving our family. Next month Kyle turns 6 and Jack turns 9 . I feel the same -- but they keep changing and getting tall and saying stuff that's unexpected ... but means they're getting older and "getting it."
Thursday, December 11, 2008
'Tis the Season for GIVING.
It’s good for them to get involved with the “giving” part of Christmas. We’re really trying to get across the real meaning – that God gave his greatest gift to us .. and that’s why we give on Christmas. We’ve been trying to get the right answer when we ask what Christmas is about. Kyle, of course, wanted to know if Santa was in Bethlehem. We told him no, but that Santa is carrying out the Spirit of giving that began that day in Bethlehem. It was a good opportunity to push the “Santa is the Christmas Spirit” idea … for when someone starts to have doubts.
Anyway, back to giving: Jack – who, I don’t think we’ve mentioned – ran for and was elected to Student Council – got to go shopping for a 5 year old in need. He was really happy to pick out things he thought the child would like. I’m glad he got to have that experience – and without a nagging parent as the person pushing him to be involved.
We’ve also explained, that this is why we take turns opening gifts on Christmas morning – because we’ve put heart and effort into making special purchases, and the pay-off is getting to see the recipient’s reaction. (And the suspense is a kick too!) They get very excited when they’ve made a gift at school – and can’t wait for us to open it … and get so excited to see our reaction. When we reminded them that it’s like that, they seemed to get it.
Our boys are growing up! And we’re so proud that they’re starting to get it. Of course, they’ll still be raving lunatics Christmas morning.
Baby steps.
Monday, December 1, 2008
First. I really love having time off. I love catching up on home projects -- or just reading a book. You know how long it's been since I've sat down with a book? I know. Late July. And basically - late July/Early August when we go to Hilton Head and I sit on the beach for a week (or the travel time in the car) is the only time I seem to have time to read. But this 4 day weekend, I picked up a book. I would do a "chore" then reward myself with a chapter. Soon, I decided I deserved to just sit and read. It was awesome. We had a fire in the fire place, and Ryan had apple cider in the crock pot - it made the house smell sooooo good ... it was very cozy.
I'm reading Twilight.
TOTALLY NOT a book I would have chosen for myself. I had heard the premise ... and the hype. And it's just not something I've ever been interested in. The whole Vampire thing has never been a draw for me - in TV/Movies or books. But one of Ryan's co-workers gave it to him and insisted he make me read it. And weirdly - on the very same day -- I watched as someone did that to one of my co-workers. She started reading it and told me the next day she was up 'til 3am because she couldn't put it down. I was still resistant. I finally picked it up Sunday. And putting it down is hard. It IS kind of a teeny-bopper book - but it's still addicting. So, I'm now one of THOSE people reading THAT book. And I LIKE it.
Switching gears ... I've almost got all the Christmas decorations up. It's nice to do it in stages, rather than all at once with the tree like I normally do. We'll get a tree next weekend. I'm off today - and can't wait 'til Kyle gets on the bus. I'm going to try to get Nick down for a nap and either take a nap myself, get some stuff done, or just read!
I love this time of year. I wish I could take all of December off so I could just soak it in. I love just enjoying the season. I love going to Cmas parties and shows. We saw Trans Siberian Orchestra Saturday. It was something else. Lots of lights and pyrotechnics. Pretty wild - and we enjoyed it. Later in the month we'll go to "Rockettes Christmas."
Well, that's enough random for now.
I have a book to read!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 22, 2008
And there won't even be the relief of sweeps being over, because THE. VERY. NEXT. DAY. we'll do freakin' 3 hours of Plaza Lights coverage. (Yeah, the ONE year Thanksgiving is NOT in Sweeps -- and we take over the Plaza Lights.) Doh!
I'm not complaining ... so much as I am just worn out. Luckily, I have a four day weekend coming. It's jammed packed, and some stress has presented itself with some unexpected changes to our plans ... but I'm still looking forward to sign off of the Plaza Lights and me hitting the road for a BREAK.
We're going to see Transiberian Orchestra Saturday night. I can't wait. I wish I could go up on stage and conduct the Bell Chorus or whatever it's called. I always pump that song up in the car and wave my arms like I'm conducting. I probably look like a raving loon - but I love it.
Well. That's enough random for now. How 'bout some five?
1. Full. Taco Bell. Blech
2. Tired. Darn early basketball.
3. Whatever the feeling is that describes the desire to get a bunch a stuff done. But the tired feeling is holding it back.
4. Comfy. No bra day. Sweats on. Not leaving house. ( :
5. Ack ... more of number 3. I gotta get Christmas lists organized this weekend. Ack.
1. I could take a nap -- BUT -- not lose any time from my wknd.
2. The Christmas lists were already organized
3. It was colder (yes, I really said that) so we could have a fire all day.
4. I wish my four day wknd was now. Then I could take that nap!
5. I wish I could figure out the draw to Guitar Hero. I find it hard and not fun -- but Jack and Daddy are all over it.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
7 Random Things
1. I was the first girl born on the Hicks side of the family in 112 years.
2. I don't like anything (except clothes) to touch my knees.
3. I'm watching iCarly right now. I can't help it.
4. Regarding food: I generally don't like hard things in my soft things. Example: carrots in jello. Wrong. Chocolate m-n-ms or bits or whatever in ice cream. Blech. It's too frozen. Oh, and I don't like stuff to touch stuff on my plate. And yes, I do eat things one at a time, and have never understood why that's weird.
5. I like thin crust Domino's pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms and extra cheese.
6. I only HATE/WILL *NOT* eat two foods: raisins, and sweet potatos. There are other foods I don't really like, but would still eat. Those two - never, ever, ever, ever. And YES I can detect a raisin in anything and will spit it at you if you try to deceive me.
7. I have a piece of lead from a pencil in my face, right under my eye. You can see it if you look - -a little gray spot.
How's that for random? Pretty food heavy - but it's lunch time. Ta - ta!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
What a Day
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Good Day
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Too Many Spinning Plates.
Friday, October 3, 2008
I thought I drop a fast blog .. but I keep getting distracted by yo-gabba-gabba on Nick Jr. Ever seen that show? It's so weird it's fascinating. And the kids actually DO get up and do whatever they're doing. Then I have "Wiggle wiggle wiggle Jump ... hooooold stiiiiilllll .... wiggle wiggle wiggle jump" stuck in my head all day.
I'm getting out Halloween decorations. Did one bin yesterday. Doing another bin today. Kinda hard to do since the basement's so messed up right now as we prepare for a "re-do". I have GOT to get painting and get that out of the way.
Ok .. back to the bins. Happy Friday!!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Kids: Social Achievement
- It used to be that kids got their social status from their parents. Now parents get THEIR social status from kids!
- Parents these days don't feel comfortable leaving their children with someone else for 2 hours. TWO HOURS! It talks about how if the child isn't in the mother's laser sights for every second ... they believe they will somehow be psychologically damaged among other things.
INTERESTING~! Ever felt like you needed to take your kids to gymboree cuz that's what everyone else does? Or you need to be seen at the soccer field? I don't think I've gotten quite sucked into that ... yet. BUT --
I do know I've worried about my kids with other people. I HATE when they come home from somewhere and their manners or behaviors are all out of whack. (Saying things like "whatever" or "gimme that" or talking with their mouth full because the ADULTS they were with don't set good examples or have ANY boundaries.) But at the same time, I do understand that we NEED a break from each other. It's best for everyone.
The book talks about how much kids need normal every day PLAY ... but parents are always interfering. I'm getting better about that. Just go outside. Our backyard is fenced in .. I don't need to be hovering over them. And Jack and Kyle are allowed to go to other houses .. Jack is supposed to be watching out for Kyle. I just need to turn off the TV/Computer more, I think.
So ... so far so good. I just need to continue to reinforce what Daddy and I consider acceptable manners/behavior so that when they do go elsewhere - they can withstand bad examples and just know better.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Nation of Wimps
I have really noticed, in my work, and some social situations a HUGE problem with the new generation of young people. Pure ENTITLEMENT. They think they should be hired for the big shows ... right out of school .... and get all the perks of a more senior employee. They think they can take time off to get their teeth whitened .. or because their boyfriend is SAD. They've never had anyone tell them they've done something wrong, so when you try to point out errors and poor performance, they simply don't know how to handle it - and worse yet, don't have the common sense to know to shape up fast, or they'll be fired. There's no fear. They don't think they should have to work the crappy hours or extra days to move ahead. They don't want to put in extra time to move ahead. They want it all served up on a silver platter. It's driving me crazy.
And you know who the problem is? Parents. Specifically these parents who fall under this term I love: helicopter parents. You know, they hover over every thing a child does. What's worse, they not only hover, but they remove all obstacles, sources of "pain" and chances to learn about LIFE. They "interfere" in ways my generation and older would be MORTIFIED about .. like calling bosses and college professors. I had a parent email me to ask me to approve her child's -- my employee's -- vacation time. Now, I was talking to some recent grads who tell me I shouldn't hold it against the employee, because often when parents do this -- the student/employee has no idea it's happening. I'll give them that. Still, come on!
Ok. Here's the kicker. The big wham-o. The irony. The disappointing truth. I find myself doing it. I'm part of the problem!! I don't think I'm as "crazy" as many (most) parents worrying about every little thing and wanting to do everything for them. But I do have in my head things that "hurt" me in whatever way growing up, and try to prevent that.
Were we all raised so HORRIBLY that we've got to change EVERYTHING in how we parent to not repeat the same mistakes?? I think now, in comparison, the answer is no - because I am so much better at handling "life" than these younger folks. But of course, as we parent, we must think "yes." I will never yell at my children in public, or fight with my husband in public, and I don't ever want my kids to feel "inferior" because they don't have the right clothes, toys or activities. Yikes! So I give them everything ... and they don't appreciate it. Bad move that's hard to fix.
Anyway ... this book nails it. It talks about how we do so much to protect our kids now that they become psychologically fragile. They don't know how to deal with disappointment or hurt - because they've never been able to learn to cope on their own. YES!
They NEED to fight with other kids. They NEED to lose a game and not get a trophy. They NEED to get a bad grade. They NEED to be told: you're not doing a good job. (God forbid!) How else will they get that "feeling" that helps them -- pushes them - to want to do better next time? (I can't help but wonder what the future of sports will be like with all these kids who can't get hurt...!)
The book has statistics on the skyrocketing number of college students who are binge drinking and needing counseling at school because they can't cope. And this whole "self mutilation" thing that's growing among kids is part of THIS problem.
So, I've just read the introduction so far. I'm really hoping I can get some guidance as to help my kids be STRONG ... INDEPENDENT and understand the concept of WORKING HARD -- ON YOUR OWN....being a SELF-STARTER. And how I can land the helicopter and let them fly on their own.
I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Eye Twitch
It eventually went away ... not really sure when. It was a twitch that would happen every few minutes! So much so that I would google it to see if it meant I was about to have a stroke or something. But, everything said: too much caffeine, not enough sleep. Yep.
And it's back. Same scenario. Ryan's helping on Monday and Friday by putting Jack on the bus....but it's still not enough sleep. And my Coke drinking has escalated lately.
It's annoying. I wonder if people can see it. I don't think so .. but it's distracting. And weird! It's weird! So, what am I doing? Blogging instead of sleeping. Dummy.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Twitter Updates from the JSchool
My twitters will update here at the top.
BUT You can also follow EVERYONE talking about the celebration by going to: and searching #mizzou
Those of you new to twitter, a pound sign before a word sends that twitter to a "feed," for lack of a better word, of all twitters related to that subject. So, if you're interested in discussion or whatever of that subject, you'll find it there.
'burg, here I come!
I Believe in the Profession of Journalism
I'm preparing now (actually I'm not, I'm blogging) but soon I'll start packing and getting ready to go spend 4 days in Columbia. I'm going to the big 2008 Centennial/Dedication for the JSchool at the University of Missouri. MU's JSchool was the FIRST in the world, and hands down, the best. (Oh yes, I'm proud and not afraid to be one of THOSE MU people. I've earned it baby.)And they've just added on this huge building, called the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and will dedicate it this Friday in a big ceremony.
So .. JSchool alum from all over and community leaders and just fans of the school are converging on campus this week for a huge event. It's a big damn deal.(
I'm looking at it as an opportunity to cleanse. We always call good journalism - the kind you learn at Mizzou -- journalism with a capital "J." Well, when you get out in the real world, try as you might, that J tends to shrink. It's been terribly ironic for me -- because I went out into the world and touted my "BIG J" and could usuallly bend folks toward me. I was quite righteous about it too! I often became the "ethics gauge" in the newsroom. But soon, you learn the economics of journalism...and having to give viewers want they want...and you "adjust" your values a bit. My "BIG J" is trampled on, dirty, and certainly not capitalized anymore. But it's not just me.
Have you noticed how certain networks are now considered the "conservative" one ... and the "liberal" one? I'm thinking of two cable networks in particular. What the heck? I thought journalism was "we report-- you decide" (not so, I guess for the network that uses that tagline.) You're not supposed to be able to tell if reporters or anchors "lean" a certain way. You're supposed to get objective coverage. But it's become glaringly evident this election. Even Saturday Night Live spoofs the ga-ga attitudes some "journalists" have toward a certain candidate. That's crazy! That's NOT journalism. Those folks need to be stripped of their jobs, tarred and feathered....or at least just called "analysts." They're NOT journalists.
Oh the shame. But there are people out there who still want to get it right. Or, who maybe, like me ... just need a "cleansing." I can still give the viewers what they want, and maintain ratings to keep us in business, and make sure I've lived within the standards of a journalist.
Wow. See. That's just how GOOD my JSchool is. I'm already cleansing -- and I haven't left my home yet. Just thinking about "from whence I came" is getting me back on track.
Yeah, I still believe.
I believe in the profession of journalism.
I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with it are, to the full measure of their responsibility, trustees for the public; that acceptance of a lesser service than the public service is betrayal of this trust.
I believe that clear thinking and clear statement, accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism.
I believe that a journalist should write only what he holds in his heart to be true.
I believe that suppression of the news, for any consideration other than the welfare of society, is indefensible.
I believe that no one should write as a journalist what he would not say as a gentleman; that bribery by one's own pocketbook is as much to be avoided as bribery by the pocketbook of another; that individual responsibility may not be escaped by pleading another's instructions or another's dividends.
I believe that advertising, news and editorial columns should alike serve the best interests of readers; that a single standard of helpful truth and cleanness should prevail for all; that the supreme test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.
I believe that the journalism which succeeds best -- and best deserves success -- fears God and honors Man; is stoutly independent, unmoved by pride of opinion or greed of power, constructive, tolerant but never careless, self-controlled, patient, always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice; is unswayed by the appeal of privilege or the clamor of the mob; seeks to give every man a chance and, as far as law and honest wage and recognition of human brotherhood can make it so, an equal chance; is profoundly patriotic while sincerely promoting international good will and cementing world-comradeship; is a journalism of humanity, of and for today's world.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Ok, this post is too much like my last one ... but I'm restricted because my blog is not private. And that's annoying, cuz I'd love to just stand on the mountain top and sing-it-sista.
But I won't. Oh well, I suppose this too shall pass.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Whining, bitching, annoying, slacking, sniveling, stupid people.
That's all.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Ok, So it Wasn't a One Day Job
The "This isn't fun anymore" Break
Lunch Break
Quick Funny
Yeah 3 Day Wknd!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So, my head is foggy ... and that explains the lack of blog. Actually "blog" is what my chest feels like ... "blahg."
) :
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Back to School
This picture is of them getting off the bus -- Jack grabbed Kyle's hand as they crossed the street. He was really liking being the "big brother" and looking out for Kyle.
They posted some more pics on their blogs (Nick too!) And thus, the school year begins.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I'm Pooped.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm Back
Friday, July 18, 2008
Packed and Ready
Anyone want to guess how many shoes I packed? It's a game my husband and I play. I love shoes. Really, one should be fine w/a good pair of flip flops and perhaps one other pair of sandals for a week at the beach. Nah! So guess.
Alarm's gonna go off at 4:30. 2 1/2 hours from now. That's gonna hurt. See ya later!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Some Patriotic Pics
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Independence Day!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
As Long as We're Together

Bunch o' Nothin'
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Busy Week & Wknd
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Not posting ... but for good reason
And I'm trying to be more healthy -- which means doing active things instead of sitting here on my bum typing.
We're using the Legacy Park Community center now ... the boys enjoy the play room .. and I can go do whatever (swim/walk/workout) without worrying about them ... which has been the big hold back on going there. Yeah! Ryan's been good about going too. Hopefully this can be a new lifestyle...rather than something that flames out.
Oh....and again. I've dropped Coke. Massive headache on day one. Day two I just CRAVED it SOOO bad. I'm not even doing diet or anything -- I need a clean break to really let go. I may treat myself on Saturdays only - and in moderation. Maybe.
Ok ... enough computer time. Time to water flowers and generally keep movin'!~
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Funny Story / Gross Story
I can be a really stupid smart person sometimes. Here's an example. We're covering the trial of a man named "Shy Bland." He's the Westport Rapist. (You're thinking, "wait, she said this was gonna be funny?" Hang w/me...we'll get there.) He was the man who gripped Westport in fear for like a year ... and then was finally caught and convicted and sent to prison for 115 years. Well, he now faces like 33 more charges on 11 new rapes connected to him during that time. He will be the most prolific rapist in Jackson County. So -- based on that, it's a very interesting story. We decided at the last minute to put a reporter on the first day of court. (Normally the first day is very boring - but it was a slow news day, we were hurting, and this case is very high profile and the new charges are interesting.)
The reporter gets to the courthouse and after a while sends an email to managers, desk, and producers to say "Bland trial is over. I should have something for 4." I see his email and quickly respond, "This is NOT a bland trial - it is VERY interesting with lots of details. I'm sure you can work your magic and make this a good story." In my head, I'm thinking this reporter is poo-pooing the story, and of course, when I replied to him, I hit "reply all." And to top it off, I went in to the Asst. News Directors office as she was on the phone w/that reporter to make sure she was telling him we were switching what show he'd be in ... and she asked me -- "we're talking about the bland trial right?" And I go "It's not bland - it's a goood story!" She just looked at me funny and continued her conversation.
Fast forward to probably a good 20 minutes later. I'm sitting at my desk. The newsroom is relatively quiet. And it hits me. Out loud I yell; "Oh. My. God. I am SUCH an idiot." And start laughing. The producer next to me goes -- "Wait, wait -- I know what it is...the email right?" And I'm like -- "why didn't anyone say anything??" And they're lauging at me. HELLO. THE MAN'S NAME IS BLAND! IT'S NOT A DESCRIPTION OF HOW COURT WENT.
I am laughing too -- though I feel my face turning red. Derrrrr. Then I remember a desk guy said out loud something like "Bland details - that's funny" after I replied and I didn't realize at the time he thought I was making a joke. Yeah, nothing like being a moron for everyone to see.
Now the Gross Story:
So, I'm sleeping. I'm having a dream that I'm a reporter - a specific one I work with, and I'm in the field and in a live truck (that really looks more like my mini - van) and we're having a discussion about lightning and when it's really safe to go live. Then suddenly, something is burning in my mouth/throat and I'm telling for someone to OPEN THE DOOR OPEN THE DOOR because I guess if the door gets opened, whatever is happening in my throat/mouth will stop. Instead I wake up. And I had started to throw up -- while sleeping. I went to the kitchen -- got some milk to settle my stomach and tried to go back to bed. I had laid down for like 2 seconds and I was up again heading for the kitchen (I don't know why - I think I was still a little delirious). I then proceded to toss my guts out in the kitchen sink .... occasionally turning on the garbage disposal. Which, by the way, is not a bad way to go. It was dark - so I couldn't see - which is good, because sometimes seeing this can make it last longer than it needs to. I could turn on the faucet and try to clean out my mouth and wash my face, and I could send everything down the garbage disposal. Plus, I was much more comfortable standing up. (And heck yeah, I disinfected it the next day.)
But how weird is that? I didn't feel sick at all ... The last thing I had to eat before going to bed was a slice of blueberry pie. It had been sitting out on the counter instead of being refridgerated...and maybe that's it. I didn't feel sick the next morning either. Some friends suggested stress ... but I've never had that happen before and I go through all kinds of various stress. Needless to say the pie has been tossed. And I put it in the trash too. (Ha ha.)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
News Challenge
I was in the control room -- just getting "comfortable" with severe weather coverage with a tornado warning and some severe t-storms. I had just started rounding up phoners ... with reporters giving us a few hits here and there. The chopper was in Douglas County showing lowering of the clouds ... and I had just sent it from there clear to Grandview where there was cloud rotation.
Then I get a note that one of the reporters is moving to a 2 alarm fire. I wonder if it is lightning and shrug it off. Not much trumps weather coverage. Then someone in master control yells over the control room speakers -- 'There's a big fire in the citycam - look!' At first I think someone is joking .... then I look up. Holy cow!
The director wants to put it on the air. I want to know what the heck it is - awkward to just put it up with Katie talking about weather if it's not weather related. So I call for anchors on set - and tell Katie here comes a pic of a fire -- POSSIBLY started by lightning .
I then ask for double boxes so we can show both the weather situation and the burning fire.
Crazy. Of course, the poor chopper is clear in the Grandview area and now trying to make it to KCK ... in a storm. Thank goodness for live streaming cellphone video. (And low on fuel. Darn the need for fuel!)
And thank goodness for my bladder of steel. 3 1/2 hours of continuous coverage!
Loved every minute of it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Excuses, excuses.
Hopefully I can get back to updating now.
The Five:
1. Annoyed. I have no knives or forks here and trying to eat meat.
2. Pleased. No major meltdowns with first day of new gfx system.
3. Happy that it's already Wednesday!
4. Fashionable. I like my new outfit I'm wearing today.
5. Rested. No more school and getting up early for the bus!!
1. I had a knife & fork.
2. My husband forgives me for the HUGE craft mess I made today and didn't clean up in my mad rush to get something done for work.
3. I had a chocolate bar. I think I'll go get one!
4. More people would Tweet with me.
5. I had a scrap room. ) :
Sunday, May 18, 2008
It's all Good
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Family Tree with Birds
Big Ass Huge Scrapbook
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What's this "Twitter" Thing?
Here are some sites to help you understand Twittering. This first is a real cool video that explains it in VERY simple terms.
Simple Overview:
New York Times Dude talks about trying it:
Follow me on the twitter page at: (it's the same words that pop up on my blog -- just on a different page.)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I love Saturday
Aaaaaaah. Yeah, that's the stuff.
Random pic: the fam. this morning freezing at Kyle's baseball game.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Control Freak
But you know what? They do have it under control. I suppose extended weather coverage can actually happen without me. *sigh*
Stand back when I get in.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Big Heart
Then I was touched when the coach DID sit him down, and put his hands on Jack's shoulders and talked to him for so long, the asst. coach had to come over and tell Coach to get back in the game. I appreciated that. Jack's coach is such a good guy. He is so lucky.
Anyway, Jack steeled himself, and played again without the visible tears. Then after the game ... when all the parents lined up to make the "tunnel" the kids run through (isn't that cool?)...I could see his red eyes, and that he was trying to hold his tears in.
Then I headed for our stuff ... so Ryan could go listen to coach talking to the kids after the game...and I looked back and saw that picture: Jack with his head on Ryan's shoulder. I only snapped one shot. I didn't want to intrude on the moment. Ryan says Jack sobbed as soon as daddy hugged him. I was still feeling edgy about my "not tough" kid.
Then it was medal time. The kids all got real nice medals -- for their big second place accomplishment. And as the coach handed them out, he said something nice about each kid and we applauded. When he got to Jack, he talked about Jack's big heart. And that struck me. A big heart. What mom wouldn't be proud of that? My kid is passionate about something. That's a good thing. That's my boy.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Heartbreak in Field 13

All the way to the championship ... then, the agony of defeat. What a season. Great kids, and great coaches.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Stress! (In a good way)
No Frost!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
So .... I won't be around as much. I may Twitter - because that takes like 2 seconds.
But no worries ... I'm just entrenched in sweeps for the next month.
(Updates will happen most often on weekends.)
Monday, April 21, 2008
1. Tired
2. Anxious about a new thing we're training on at work.
3. Busy
4. Hot
5. Hungry...time to make lunch!
1. I could have the week off ...
2. I could find my favorite black sweats. WHERE THE HECK ARE THEY????
3. I had remembered to buy a new curling iron over the weekend
4. I had another hour right now.
5. For a "peaceful" Monday. Once you get past Monday, you can make it.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I Better Get Sun!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wasting Time
And today: I was given the gift of time. My darling husband arranged it so I'd have the morning to myself. I could sleep in ... (barking dogs woke me up) ... and then I could do some cleaning around the house I've been wanting to do without my little shadow ... or munchkins messing up all my work. And it is now 10:36 and I have done NOTHING. Bwack!
I came down to the computer at 10am. And I'm still here. Wasting time! It's amazing how you can get sucked into ... oh, I'm gonna check this and this ... and respond to emails with Gore Vidal verbosity. I. Can't. Pull. Myself. Away!
Ok ... time to hit the house....I'll just work faster to make up for lost TIME.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Kids' Blogs
I didn't have very much to say in my own blog ... I'm kind of groggy this morning (probably because it's so gray outside.) Maybe later.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Just the Five
The Five:
1. Unfocused
(I was told that I appear to have "senioritis" today. Yeah, I'm having trouble focusing. Especially when the temperature on my computer says 74 and I'm cooped up inside.)
2. Consumed. One issue is consuming me and I need to let it go. Let it go! Stop overthinking! I'm a crazy person talking to myself here.
3. Uncomfortable. My shirt is not fitting right and I hate that.
4. Anxious. For the weekend. And warm weather and playing.
5. Heavy case of screen suck. I have GOT to get away from the computer for a LONG period of time.
Five Wishes:
I wish..
1. I could play hooky. I wanna go outside and play!!! Waaah!
2. I could veg. Don't feel like working!
3. A project I've been working on would finish itself. I just can't get into it.
4. Everyone saw things my way. (ha ha ha ha)
5. I could take a week off work and not lose any vaca time. Ah to Dream!
My "yahoo" horoscope today:
This is the start of a repositioning period among the people in your social circle. Folks are shifting alliances and old friendship ties are breaking -- but just temporarily speaking. It's perfectly natural for people to want to mix up who they spend their time with, so do not worry that this is the end of something. The strong bonds that hold you all together are all still there, they just might be arranged a little differently for the next few weeks.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Uncovered in Corners: Deep Thoughts
I was at the dentist's office today (don't even get me started on that) and I was half-heartedly looking through a "Working Moms" magazine. I came across a spot with quotes...and there was this one quote about;
--If the world around you is spinning and confusing and going nutty -- stand still. You'll find your direction. ---
I get that! I've been bobbing and weaving with some stuff...and sometimes you just need to chill. Stop. Wait. And Voila -- the answer/direction/peace. I was meant to come across that quote.
Something else I was meant to see ... Awhile back I did a google search on "Managing Up" and came across this blog. It has all sorts of helpful stuff I can apply in the workplace...interesting perspectives. And this blog entry in particular spoke to me. I could have done w/out the gross foot fungus ... but that's how she made her point. And I TOTALLY do this. Do you?
Ah Perchance to Sleep! To Dream!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Starting Fresh.
I'm starting fresh...and looking forward to the warm up.
The Five: (It's back!)
1. Cold
2. Full (yummy dinner tonight!)
3. At Peace
4. Slowly feeling reenergized.
5. Happy my husband is just hanging out down here because I'm down here. That's nice.
Five Wishes:
1. Wish I had my slippers feet are cold.
2. Wish it was earlier ... hate that the weekend is almost over. Love my weekends.
3. Wish this blog didn't waste so much space on either side and I could figure out how to make the middle part stretch out more.
4. Wish I could find a new desk I'm happy with...this one's got to go.
5. Wish, hope, for an uneventful and easy week.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Better Today.

